Mumbai was shaken early Thursday morning as Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan was attacked in his Bandra residence. The 53-year-old actor was stabbed six times during an alleged burglary attempt. He is currently undergoing surgery at Lilavati Hospital, where doctors confirm he is out of danger.
Intruder Breaks into Saif’s Home
At around 2:30 AM, an unknown intruder entered Saif’s home, reaching the bedroom of his youngest son, Jehangir Ali Khan. The house help, Ariyama Phillips (Lima), noticed the trespasser and raised an alarm.
In a brave attempt to protect his family, Saif confronted the intruder. A violent scuffle ensued, and the attacker stabbed him multiple times with a sharp object before fleeing the scene.
Rushed to Hospital by Son Ibrahim Ali Khan
Despite his injuries, Saif was immediately rushed to Lilavati Hospital by his son Ibrahim Ali Khan. Doctors revealed that six wounds were inflicted, with two being deep and one dangerously close to his spine.
Neurosurgeons and plastic surgeons are involved in his treatment.
Family Safe, Police Begin Investigation
A statement from Saif’s team assured fans that the family, including wife Kareena Kapoor Khan and children Taimur (8) and Jeh (4), are safe.
Mumbai Crime Branch officers and forensic teams arrived at the scene, securing CCTV footage for analysis. Early reports suggest no forced entry, raising suspicions that the attacker may have been familiar with someone inside the household.
Industry and Political Reactions Pour In
The attack sent shockwaves across the industry and political circles:
West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee expressed concern and wished Saif a speedy recovery.
Arvind Kejriwal and Jr. NTR, who recently co-starred with Saif, also sent their prayers.
Congress leader Atul Londhe Patil slammed Maharashtra’s deteriorating law and order.
BJP leader Ravi Kishan and Shiv Sena’s Sanjay Raut called for stronger security measures for celebrities.
Saif Out of Danger, Thanks Fans
By the afternoon, Saif’s team released a statement confirming his successful surgery and stable condition.
Saif Ali Khan has come out of surgery and is out of danger. He is recovering, and doctors are monitoring his progress. We thank Dr. Niraj Uttamani, Dr. Nitin Dange, Dr. Leena Jain, and the entire Lilavati Hospital team. On behalf of Saif, we express gratitude to fans for their prayers and support.
Police Close In on the Attacker
With the forensic team collecting crucial evidence, the Mumbai Police are now focused on identifying the attacker. Initial reports suggest the intruder may have links to someone inside Saif’s residence.
Stay tuned as this shocking story unfolds.